Mission Statement

“Supporting a new convert has to be the most important phase of ministry”

The 5 Pillars of Kingdom Builders:

Family is Primary
God’s Design for faith replication is through the context of the family while the church plays a supportive/equipping role to this endeavor (Eph. 4:12). We intentionally gear to compliment the home with a common goal of faith development in this generation.

Spiritual Formation. Spiritual formation is about helping families build a life-long relationship with God. This means giving them a strong foundation in biblical knowledge and being intentional about creating space for them to encounter the living God.

Holy Spirit is the Teacher. We recognize that the Holy Spirit is the primary teacher. Parents and leaders have the opportunity to create “environments” where the Holy Spirit is free to move, teach, and lead. They have the privilege of “coming alongside” what the Holy Spirit is doing in the life of a believer.

Authority of Scripture The Bible is God’s truth for daily living. God’s Word holds instruction for us to interpret their lives through the lens of God’s character and will.

Total Ministry Success. While some people count success in numbers, we glorify God for the ability to enhance the number of lives we’ve ministered to . . . . and a changed life can reflect a positive light into the community.